Formerly known as Ribbon Finance, Aevo has undergone a transformation to become an Ethereum Layer-2 application Blockchain rollup that serves as a decentralized exchange operating on an order book system. Aevo is powered by OP Stack technology and partners with Conduit, a Rollup-As-A-Service (RaaS) provider that oversees rollup transactions. Conduit ensures that transactions on Aevo are organized, grouped together, and transmitted to the Ethereum network on an hourly basis. During a two-hour dispute window, any contested transactions can either be accepted or rejected. Once this period expires, the transactions are finalized on the Ethereum blockchain. Users have the ability to transfer a variety of cryptocurrencies from Ethereum, Optimism, or Arbitrum to Aevo Rollup without incurring any gas fees. Stay up to date on the latest technology news by visiting NEWSLINKER.